We use the Learning Accomplishment Profile for children ages 3-6.
The LAP assesses children's development in seven key domains of learning: Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Pre-Writing, Cognitive, Language, Self-Help, and Personal/Social skills. The information gathered through this developmental assessment helps us to determine where a child is developmentally in each area, this information is then used to develop goals and objectives for the child's individual learning plan.
The LAP assessment is included for any child enrolled in our morning enrichment program. For private developmental intervention we offer a comprehensive developmental assessment for $65.00. The assessment is usually administered in 2-3 sittings, depending on the age and attention span of the child.
Basic Reading Inventory
The Basic Reading Inventory is a tool used to determine a child's current reading level by grade. The BRI can be utilized for children whose grade levels are K-12. This assessment is particularly useful for children who are hyperlexic, as it allows us to identify comprehension level as well as decoding skills. The BRI typically takes 60-90 minutes and may be administered in multiple sittings if needed to maintain a child's attention. The cost for administration of the BRI is $45.00 and includes two administrations, one prior to services are received and one after services have been implemented.
Get Set for School
The Get Set for School! assessment tests preschool-aged children in three areas: Language and Literacy, Readiness and Writing, and Numbers and Math. This assessment is included for children enrolled in our morning enrichment program and is administered twice per year. For children utilizing our private developmental interventions services the cost for administrations is $45.00 and includes a pre-test and post-test.
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